
SpaceX Starship 4 marks second rehearsal, steady for June 5



SpaceX has performed a second wet dress rehearsal (WDR) for the Starship Integrated Flight 4 and the ship is now steady for the upcoming June 5 targeted launch date.

This WDR for Starship is a crucial test simulating the entire fueling process and identifying any potential issues. During this test, SpaceX loaded Starship and Super Heavy with more than 10 million pounds of propellant.


Starship uses liquid oxygen and liquid methane propellant with a propellant capacity of 1,200 tons/2.6 Mlb. On the other hand, the Super Heavy uses sub-cooled liquid methane and liquid oxygen with an overall capacity of 3,400 tons/7.5 Mlb.

SpaceX Starship 4 Performing Wet Dress Rehearsal (Image Source – SpaceX)

Team members monitor temperature, pressures, and flow rates during propellant loading and measure the flow rate to ensure flight safety. As the propellant loads, engineers check all related systems including valves, pipes, pumps, and sensors. These components can handle the cryogenic propellant and the immense pressure involved.

WDR enables the launch team to practice their procedures for propellant loading, data monitoring, communication, and troubleshooting any issues that might be troublesome during actual liftoff.


The primary goal of this fuel test is to uncover any problems. Afterward, engineers will address any leaks, pressure drops, or malfunctions detected during the WDR. However, SpaceX reported this WDR as a success, and no issues were found in the integrated flight during the propellant load.

Last week, SpaceX performed its first WDR on Starship Flight 4 for tank pressurization. The aim of Flight 4 is to endure the maximum velocity during reentry into Earth’s atmosphere and achieve landing zones for both stages. SpaceX is targeting June 5 at the earliest launch date but the company is yet to receive approval from FAA.



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