X social media returns link headlines as an ‘overlay’



Social media site X, formerly known as Twitter, today marked a return of link preview headlines for online articles and blog posts with an overlay effect. The new headline looks clean and makes more sense than its version.

Specifically, when a user posts a link, it will fetch the featured image or in-content image and overlay the title/headline on the bottom of the link preview which starts at the bottom left. A black background is added to separate and highlight the white headline text for maximum visibility.

New X Link Headline with overlay effect on the featured image

To be mentioned, the headline will not expand to a second line despite its exceeding characters on the web version.

X Link Headline with text limit exceeding

Back in October, X stopped showing headlines in the link previews and since then, the link preview only showed the domain name.

On the other hand, this change generated quite some headlines in mainstream media and gathered major criticism.

However, the new headline style is somewhat aligned with the past version and makes the whole thing a bit more polished with a more advanced look.

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